Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big day...

Yesterday was an eventful day for us. The insurance rep came to inspect our roof to see if we had hail damage from a storm in June, and sure enough, we need a new roof on the house and garage. I'm not upset by this actually, because we were wanting to update to a metal roof, and now our insurance company gets to pay for most of it! Yea us!

Also, Baxter had to go to the vet with a nasty illness. I'll save you the details, but he now gets medicine twice a day and already seems to be doing better.

How cute is this face?!?!?!

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At 8:19 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

Yay for your new roof! What color is it going to be?

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

Blue to match our shutters and trim. I'm still gathering quotes, so it may be awhile, but we're in no real hurry anyway. While most places give free quotes, one company wanted $250 just for an estimate! Can you believe that?!


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