Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I am a HUGE smile today. I met with Steve Shaluta last night, and he liked my work! He was very complimentary, pointed out specific things that were good about my photos, and even suggested I enter one particular photo in contests! I'm so excited, and this really gives me the courage to start entering contests, exhibiting, and maybe doing a few arts and crafts shows. He was especially impressed by the fact that I didn't study art in school, and said I have a natural eye for things and that my photos display the "rules" you learn in school. Color me happy.



At 10:43 AM, Blogger S said...

Wow, that really exciting! Good for you, Cat Lady! I never would have been so brave. Now, you've got to take his advice and start exhibiting and entering contests!

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

Thanks! I think now that I know my stuff is actually good in the eyes of someone who knows his stuff, I'll do more to follow my interest.

Thanks for sharing my enthusiasm. It's nice to have someone grasp the significance of this. I didn't bother calling my family because they wouldn't get it. I just know they'd say, "Well isn't that nice," as if I had just gotten a nickel-an-hour raise. Nothing spectacular, just nice. But I love 'em!


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