Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just call me Nurse Lisa...

Last Thursday, I went home on my lunch hour to find that one of my mean boy kitties (probably Nigel) had bitten my sweet little girl, Sophie. I took her to the vet who said they could do surgery on the would to clean it up or we could try to let it heal on it's own, but it could abscess. I opted for the expensive ($192) surgery, wanting to be a good kitty mommy and save her the pain of an abscess. We then had to irrigate the wound twice a day with an antibiotic solution, give her Clavamox twice a day, and keep her separated from the boys. On Tuesday, the drain came out, and by the very next day (yesterday), it had started to get infected. I took her to the vet--again--this morning, and she's there getting it drained. Oh yeah, AND we thought Baxter may have broken a leg at 3:30 yesterday morning when he got somehow hung up on the footboard while jumping off the bed. We took him to the emergency vet, expecting an even bigger bill (I was told it's $75 for the visit and $90 for each X-ray), but he was miraculously healed in the car ride there. An even bigger miracle was that the vet didn't charge us anything! I think he probably took pity on the crazy cat lady with her four cats, one of which just had surgery. Oh the trials and tribulations of being CCL.

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