Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's been a loooong time...

Wow. I can't believe I haven't blogged since October. Such the slacker. Anyway, I'm back, hopefully with lots to post. First, I have to tell you about how AWESOME Ichthus was for me. I met the most inspiring speaker while there. His name is Shane Claiborne and his organization is The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He's this amazing Christian who has worked with Mother Teresa (he calls her Momma T sometimes in his book) and now he is living this radical life in Philly, helping and working with the poor. I can't begin to describe him or what he does accurately, so you should read his book, The Irresistible Revolution: Living Life as an Ordinary Radical; it's life-changing for me. He gets back to the real, original church, as it was meant to be. Jesus was homeless and he wanted the rich to take care of the poor. The early Christians shared their belongings and we, the 21st Century Christians, have gotten SO far away from that. We're like everybody else...we own too-large houses with unused bedrooms, two (or more) cars, swimming pool, closets of clothes we can't wear, or worse, just don't want to. Shane has made me see just how materialistic I am, even though I didn't think I was. I thought we were living conservatively; I never imagined how extravagant my junk is. (I have a pie safe filled with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of vintage linen napkins. It's the one girly thing about me.)

Anyway, another thing about The Simple Way is that they just suffered a terrible loss due to fire. They lost their community center, neighbors lost homes, Shane lost all his personal belongings. Thankfully no one was seriously injured or killed. They now have a lot of work ahead of them (Hubby and I hope to go there to assist, when they've come to that point, and I'm SO excited by the prospect!) and need support, so if you can, please prayerfully consider donating to this fabulous organization. Even if you can't, definitely pray for them. Thanks!

So what else? Oh yeah, my photography. I finally did it...I went digital! I got a kick-butt Sony DSLR and I LOVE it! The resolution is awesome, 10.2 MegaPixels, and I can have Hubby print my pics at his workplace because they have an expensive, high-quality printer. Here's an example:

Of course, I sized it down to a much smaller size so I wouldn't use up all my account space. The second pic is a blow-up of a section of the original photo. Does that detail kick butt or what?!

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At 11:01 AM, Blogger G-Thug said...

Ahh, the crazy cat lady, I believe every neighborhood has one. I love you and your husbunds aspirations!


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