Friday, July 13, 2007

Photo Friday...

This is another shot of an angel statue in a cemetery in Lewisburg (I believe the other image was posted in September 2005). I love going to this cemetery, which may sound weird to some, but in my family, going to the cemetery was a day for family bonding. As a result, I've carried that love of cemeteries with me, and I often take lots of pictures, especially in the older graveyards--and no, I have yet to see or photograph a ghost. I have, however, met some creepy beings that are still alive...

I may ditch out of work early today. I left three hours early yesterday because I had nothing to do and went home and cleaned house. For me, that's exciting. I love to clean house and feel like I'm accomplishing something, probably because it happens so rarely! :) Hubby put up some bookcases in the cat room and I've been organizing all my books in there. I have a LOT more cookbooks than I imagined!

It really has been pretty slow at work lately, so if you need a building designed or renovated, a subdivision developed, or a few miles of roadway laid out, let me know. Okay, not too many people are going to need that, but we also do some smaller jobs, like landscape design for homes and businesses and surveying.

I'm so glad the weather has been so perfect for a few days; it makes it all the more tempting to ditch out at 3:00. I think I just talked myself into it. :)

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