Friday, July 06, 2007

Photo Friday...

So what do you think of this pic? I took it in a wine shop in Lewisburg, then digitally altered it. I think it's pretty interesting, if I do say so myself.

I went this morning to a plastic surgeon to see about getting my nose done, both for cosmetic and medical purposes. Basically, I have a hard time get enough air through my nose, so if I'm going to have that done, I thought I'd get it reshaped at the same time. I've always wanted to but been too much of a chicken. It's going to cost more than I have available. If you'd like to contribute to the beautifying of America, let me know... :)

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At 11:58 AM, Blogger S said...

I really like this photo! I love black & white for this type of shot. Did you do the black & white with the on-camera settings or did you do it on the computer? Just curious. I've not played much with my camera's black & white or sepia settings.

I'd been trying to leave a comment for a couple of days, but I kept getting an error message. :)

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

Thanks for the comment! I took this one in color and Photoshopped it, but I've also taken some with the B&W settings. I like the flexibility of having it in color though, so that's what I usually shoot in.

Sorry for the error message; I was having a problem I didn't know how to fix, but I re-published the entire blog and that did it.


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