Monday, November 19, 2007

Go ahead and laugh, I don't mind...

For those who know me, especially those that have worked with me, you know how clumsy I am. I constantly run into walls, door facings, furniture...anything that has substance. Well I now have the end-all be-all story to tell. Last night I cut my big toe open ON A CARDBOARD BOX! And I mean I really cut it open, as in gushing blood, couldn’t get it to stop, thinking I’d have to go to the hospital to get a few stitches. After about 15 minutes I got it to mostly stop, enough so that I knew the ER wasn’t in my immediate future. That’s got to be the worst paper cut in the history of paper products. I emailed my story to my friend, Melissa, and she said she couldn't stop laughing. Hope you find it funny, too.

By the way, the kitties were very concerned about me and gathered around to make sure I was okay. They can't have the person who provides treats dropping dead, now can they?

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At 12:28 AM, Blogger Aimee said...

Actually, cardboard and paper stock (ie, manilla folders) cause the worst paper cuts. They hurt terribly worse than plain paper ones.

Glad the fur babies were there to help. :-)


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