Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A lap is a lap, no matter where it is...

As I'm already getting into the Halloween spirit, no pun intended, I thought I'd post this from last year. While putting the tons of Halloween decorations in the attic, we would put certain things in the bathroom to keep the kitties away from them, in case they were feeling destructive. I was certain this pirate would be a prime target, becasue he had tattered and ripped clothing, so into the bathroom it went. Imagine the fear I had for my pirate-friend when I realized hubby had left the door open at some point. I looked in, not to find the terrible carnage I expected, but to see this. My sweet Baxter, who can somehow sit on your lap before your butt is even on the couch, had curled up on the pirate's "lap". Of course, Crazy Cat Lady couldn't pass up this excellent photo op. Isn't he precious?

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At 5:17 PM, Blogger Kelly Lamb said...

I love this! What a great story and photo! I can relate to the "can somehow sit on your lap before your butt is even on the couch". lol.


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