Friday, October 28, 2005

Slacking again...

I've been totally remiss in my blogging for October. I've been trying to get back into writing, a novel that is, and I hope to hold on to my inspiration and actually do it. Plus, the hubby and I took our anniversary (#8) trip earlier this month, and while I'm sure I got some great shots that I'll be sure to share, I haven't actually developed them yet. (I'm not on board with the whole digital camera thing.)

Also, my oldest sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer and began her chemo treatments yesterday. She has 8 treatments, 21 days apart, which will take her through March, and after that will be radiation treatments 5 days-a-week for 6 weeks. But, her prognosis is good and so is her attitude. She's a Christian and says God wanted her to go through this for a reason, so she's looking for it. Please keep her in your prayers.

That's it for now; I'm off to a doctor's appointment. Hopefully I'll get those pictures developed soon and can resume Photo Friday.


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