Friday, September 30, 2005

Photo Friday...

These photos are of my maternal grandparents. The top picture is a scan of the original, which was very worn from being carried in my grandfather's wallet for decades. It was very thin and torn, and my mom wanted a copy of it. She doesn't really know what I can do with Photoshop, so I scanned and restored it, and the bottom image is the result. I'm thinking of offering my photo-restorative services as a sideline business. Does anyone have any comments? Please let me know what you think.

By the way, that white line running through my grandfather's head isn't a mistake, it's a power line or clothesline, and I only wanted to restore, not change the picture.


At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks awesome. If you can make a few bucks repairing photos on the side, I don't see any reason not to try it. It looks really professional!

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm very impressed. If you can do this and are good (and it looks like you are!), then I say go for it.

I wish I'd have known about your talent with PhotoShop. Two Christmases ago, I paid about $50 for photo restoration.


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