Friday, August 05, 2005

Long week...

With my worrying about my dad being in the hospital, this week has been long and stressful. I've been short-tempered, and therefore have tried to hide out in my cave. I really need a relaxing weekend.

What is with all the crazy child molesting/kidnapping lately? I just read numerous stories on the internet, including one where a guy followed a 12-year-old girl into a hotel, then groped her on the elevator. When she protested, the scum covered her mouth with his hand, so she bit him, hit the emergency button, then ran off the elevator when it stopped. Investigators said she had taken a self-defense class just two weeks earlier, which they said aided her in getting away. They arrested the guy.

It seems like these stories are everywhere, and the perverts just get more bold in their actions. When I was a kid, if I wasn't in our fenced-in yard, I could only go to my grandmother or uncle's FRONT yards--I wasn't allowed out of sight (this was in rural WV, too). I thought this was cruel because my cousins went everywhere, but my parents did everything they could to protect me. Of course, a cousin attempted to molest me in the house, so you can't protect kids all the time, but they were doing their best. Now I see little kids wandering around town with no adults in sight. These kids are sometimes as young as six or seven! What are the parents thinking?! Sometimes I think the police should go pick up these kids and time to see how long it takes the parents to call the kids in as missing. If it takes more than a certain time based on the child's age, the parents should spend a night in jail. But I'm pretty hard-core. Vigilante justice!

BTW, you can now do detailed searches for sexual offenders in WV at You can search by name, street name, city, or county. Helps to be aware.


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