Friday, July 22, 2005

Wake me when it's time to leave...

This has been such a boring work week. At least it's Friday. My Grumpy Old Man (such a misnomer, he's the most easy-going, relaxed, happy guy you could ever meet) left this morning to go with the men from our church to the Promise Keepers convention in Cleveland. Two whole days by myself! Woo hoo! I have lofty ideas of cleaning the whole house, organizing all my junk, taking a load of stuff to the Salvation Army, etc., but there's not enough time in a month to do it all. At least I know that and am prepared for failure.

I get to leave at 3:30 today for an eye appointment, so that's a big bonus; I can start my weekend a little early. Yea!

I've been baby-sitting a friend's cat this week while his family is on vacation. Part of the instructions he left were to "check sunroom for signs of cat revolution," which made my hubby think of the Che Guevara "Revolution" poster, so I created the above sign to hang on the sunroom door. What do you think?


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