Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Love those WV politics...

Man, I'll be glad when all the election ads, mudslinging, coverage, and crap is over with. As a conservative Repulican (who, unfortunately, is still registered as a Democrat, even though I saw the light before the last presidential election), I had planned to vote for Brent Benjamin over Warren McGraw for the State Supreme Court. He's endorsed by the West Virginians for Life, which pretty much did it for me. See http://www.wvforlife.org/2004-benjamin.html.

However, Benjamin's ads over McGraw's releasing Tony Dean Arbaugh have been so seedy that it's made me a little unsure. I'm beginning to think Benjamin is a little smarmy. And the latest ad, which features a ranting, Howard Dean-like McGraw, does show the looniness of my fellow Wyoming Countian, but come on, if you were being followed, having your picture taken doing "ugly things," you would sound a little nuts, too. http://www.mywvhome.com/audio/mcgraw.html

It all reminds me of the movie Brewster's Millions when Richard Pryor's character, Monty Brewster, sets out to lose the mayoral election as a way to burn some cash. His slogan is "none of the above," which is what I and a few others are now leaning towards.


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