Wednesday, October 13, 2004

A click a day keeps the hunger away...

Obviously the Crazy Cat Lady is a huge animal lover, which is why I love this website:

Just by clicking this site each day, you help to donate 0.6 bowls of food to a shelter animal. I'll let their site explain how this works:

Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. You can help each day with a free click! Visit The Animal Rescue Site at daily and click the purple button. That simple action gives food to an abandoned or abused animal.

There is no cost to you! Funding for nutritious food is paid by site sponsors and goes to nonprofit animal welfare organizations who use it to feed animals living in their shelters and sanctuaries.

The Animal Rescue Site was launched in July of 2002 and generated 22.9 million bowls of food for animals in its first year, and more than 28 million bowls in 2003! your help, many more animals will benefit in 2004. It all depends on the number of people who visit the site.

Please click at The Animal Rescue Site once a day and forward this email on so more people can help give animals the happy, healthy lives they deserve!

How great is that?! So click every day. And the site has links to feed hungry people, provide mammograms, and save rainforest, so click away! Purchases help, too, so keep them in mind for all your Christmas shopping needs.



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