Monday, July 25, 2005

Where did my weekend go?

I got practically nothing done this weekend! And I didn’t actually relax, so I don’t know where the time went. Grr.

My hubby’s birthday (#37) is this coming Saturday. He’s hoping we can go to Morgantown, but it’s not looking very likely. The son of the friends we would be staying with also has his birthday (#13) on Saturday, so we don’t want to intrude. Dan will just have to miss out on the motorcycle rally or whatever it is that’s going on there.

Our land fever is killing us. We want a B&B/farmstay so badly it hurts. There are a few B&B’s we’d like to buy, but they’re outrageously priced, so it doesn’t look like it will be a possibility for quite a LONG while yet. The one I want the most is the Inn at Monticello, priced at a completely out-of-reach $1,150,000! We’d need a 90% discount to get that one. But man, how I love it! Check it out at . I need some get-rich-quick scheme, but I don’t think there’s any legal way to get me there, so until I decide to live a life of crime (not likely), or win the lottery (again not likely, because I don’t play), I guess we’ll just have to dream. Anyone willing to contribute to our cause? J


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