Thursday, July 28, 2005

Change in the weather...

After what seems like months, and truly has probably been about six weeks, we're finally having a break in the hot and humid weather. A storm front moved through yesterday and lowered the temperature--it's only 75F right now! I went home at lunch, turned off the a.c., and opened windows throughout the house. Ahh! It's a nice overcast day, too, and has the feeling of early autumn.

I always get excited to think of autumn coming: the arts and crafts festivals, changing leaf colors, clear, sunny days and cool, crisp nights. With autumn comes the excitement that I felt as a kid, waiting for school to start. I always felt like it was a new beginning, a chance to erase all the dumb stuff of the past. Even in college, fall held the opportunity to meet new friends, something that never happened in my small-town public school. Now, even though I'm well beyond any type of school attendance, I still get caught up in the renewal of my spirit. While spring renews the health of my mind and body, autumn renews my psyche. It's a great feeling; at least, while it lasts. Unfortunately, the knowledge of winter lingers behind my joy, and with it, the dread of the cold. But no need to think of that now; it's still July! The 90 degree weather is far from over, I'm sure!

The hubby's birthday is Saturday, and after weeks of asking him what he wants to do, yesterday it came to him: clean out the garage! So I get to spend half my weekend cleaning, and not cleaning on anything that will help me. Blah.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

We found our B&B!!!

Oh, holy cow, we found the B&B we want! It used to be a B&B, but due to family circumstances, it's just a personal residence now. It's priced at $349,000, which is way out of our range, and that just makes it hurt all the more! I may actually buy a lottery ticket this time.

I really do need to find a way to make some big money, but what's the chance of that? Maybe I can sell something weird on eBay for some insane amount of money. I'll have to start scrutinizing all my cool stuff that everybody else finds to be so bizarre. Wish us luck!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Where did my weekend go?

I got practically nothing done this weekend! And I didn’t actually relax, so I don’t know where the time went. Grr.

My hubby’s birthday (#37) is this coming Saturday. He’s hoping we can go to Morgantown, but it’s not looking very likely. The son of the friends we would be staying with also has his birthday (#13) on Saturday, so we don’t want to intrude. Dan will just have to miss out on the motorcycle rally or whatever it is that’s going on there.

Our land fever is killing us. We want a B&B/farmstay so badly it hurts. There are a few B&B’s we’d like to buy, but they’re outrageously priced, so it doesn’t look like it will be a possibility for quite a LONG while yet. The one I want the most is the Inn at Monticello, priced at a completely out-of-reach $1,150,000! We’d need a 90% discount to get that one. But man, how I love it! Check it out at . I need some get-rich-quick scheme, but I don’t think there’s any legal way to get me there, so until I decide to live a life of crime (not likely), or win the lottery (again not likely, because I don’t play), I guess we’ll just have to dream. Anyone willing to contribute to our cause? J

Friday, July 22, 2005

Wake me when it's time to leave...

This has been such a boring work week. At least it's Friday. My Grumpy Old Man (such a misnomer, he's the most easy-going, relaxed, happy guy you could ever meet) left this morning to go with the men from our church to the Promise Keepers convention in Cleveland. Two whole days by myself! Woo hoo! I have lofty ideas of cleaning the whole house, organizing all my junk, taking a load of stuff to the Salvation Army, etc., but there's not enough time in a month to do it all. At least I know that and am prepared for failure.

I get to leave at 3:30 today for an eye appointment, so that's a big bonus; I can start my weekend a little early. Yea!

I've been baby-sitting a friend's cat this week while his family is on vacation. Part of the instructions he left were to "check sunroom for signs of cat revolution," which made my hubby think of the Che Guevara "Revolution" poster, so I created the above sign to hang on the sunroom door. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Slacker girl...

I'm back, again, trying to keep my blog up-to-date. I have SO many ideas for stuff I want to post, such as thoughts, rants, photos, etc., but I never seem to do it. I get really inspired by my two favorite blogs but never seem to do any posting myself. Hopefully this will all change now, and Slacker Girl will become Blogger Girl! (Wow, I'm a nerd.)

BTW, if you haven't taken the Harry Potter Personality Test, here's the link:

Guess who I am?

I couldn't believe it! Lord Voldemort! If you click on "See all possible results," the designer says that a lot of INTP's were upset that they came up as Voldemort, but she points out that personality types are neutral, that any type person can be good or evil. So don't judge me too harshly!

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