Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The ever depressing news...

She cried rape — and no one helped
Pakistani gang-rape victim gets married
Critics say new Afghan law 'legalizes rape'

And the list goes on and on.

Every day we are bombarded by depressing news, and today is no different. Some days I can shrug it off, but not today. Today, I've read about two mass killings, a brawl at a wake, and two rape victims. I didn't even get to the Afghani law I've linked to above; I just couldn't take any more. There were numerous other headlines that were depressing without my even having to read the articles. It's days like today that I'm ready for the end.

Some days I wonder why God allows this all to go on. There is so much evil, so much violence, so much hatred...I just wonder how bad it's going to get before it gets better. Of course, I know there is a lot of good in the world, and I know some people who manage to focus on those good parts and block out the bad. I wish I were one of them. I just think we need a "good news" news source. How fabulous would that be? A site that only has articles about found children (she wasn't abducted--she was hiding in the closet!), women who were told they couldn't have children who then had miracle babies, pets that alert their owners to kitchen fires before they get out of control and cause damage...oh the wonderful stories we could read about! Children tutoring peers, not bullying them; divorced parents re-marrying; employees giving up part of their salary so a co-worker doesn't have to get laid off...the possibilities are endless!

So in response, I give you my good news story of the day: Hubby and I filed our taxes yesterday (yes, I'm a procrastinator), and we're getting enough back to take a vacation, a real, honest-to-goodness vacation. We've only "gone" on vacation once before, and didn't have a honeymoon, so this is a big deal to us. Okay, maybe my good news doesn't do it for you, but thinking about it makes me forget about all the bad news, and that's enough for today. Until I hear about a really good news story to share.


At 8:08 PM, Blogger S said...

Hey, that's exciting news about the vacation! And having something good to look forward to like that will help you get through all the depressing news.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Kelly Lamb said...

I agree with what you are talking about here. When I moved to Dallas in '89, I was totally shocked with the horrible things that were happening all day, every day... vs my little town of 10,000! I finally got to a point after many years that I had to stop watching so much news... it was dragging me down and keeping me from living my life to the fullest. I moved back to this small town in 2000 and so glad I did!

Several years ago I use to read a lot of bulletins put out by animal advocates... sad abuse and neglect cases. I would find myself sitting there crying and in total despair. I had to stop. I had to focus on the good things I was doing for the homeless/feral animals that I take care of.

No, we can't bury our heads to what this world is like in cess-pool areas or the increasing psychotic crimes that are committed, but YES, we need Good Sources to cherish.

I hope you had a great vacation! I just ordered linoleum for 4 rooms after living on sub-flooring for 6 years! Just in time for my grandson to start crawling! Good things do come to those who wait!

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Trudy said...

Congrats on your vacation. I don't feel God allows anything to happen. We have the tools necessary to prevent/or at least deal with the problems we see/hear about. We have the tools to make things better for one and all, but we just don't have the energy it seems. I'm sorry news makes you so sad. Here's an idea, self publish a newsletter with nothing but good news, that would be wonderful.


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