Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A couple of tidbits...

I began seeing a chiropractor on Monday for the knotted muscles and headaches that have plagued me for a decade, and I'm already feeling the difference. The knots are loosening (I've gone three days in a row), and I thought that would never happen. Having a professional crack your back is the only way to go.

Yesterday, I booked a photo exhibit for the camera club at a local college's art gallery. I'm pretty excited about this, as it will be the first showing I've participated in. I just hope it's not a big let-down. We'll have a reception on opening night, which sounds kind of swanky, but somehow I doubt it will be anything like I imagine. I'd like to have something where people who are actually interested in what you do come and glow over your work, dressed in elegant evening wear. It will probably be more like the flannel and denim jeans yokels looking for some free food. Don't get me wrong, I'm a denim jeans kind of girl, but that's not what I what my first photography showing to be like. I'm also hoping to send out invitations, mostly because I really get into making my own holiday cards and party invites. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get a personalized invitation to the show of the year! Well, it's the show of the year for me anyway...



At 4:19 PM, Blogger moardy said...

Good luck at your showing! I'm sure it will be fun either way :)

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

If you're talking about State, it is more like the denim thing, but not so much flannel. :-)

It's still nice. I attended a couple while I was a student. I'm sure you'll have the showing of your dreams before you know it.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

Thanks moArdy! I need a lot of luck, mostly to get it put together without any major glitches. And it's at UC, Aimee. I'll be sure to let you know more info later, in case you'd like a night of "culture"...or just free food! :)

At 7:41 PM, Blogger S said...

Hey, how did it go? Sorry I've been MIA for a while and didn't see this sooner. Also hope the chiropractor's still helping!

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Crazy Cat Lady said...

S, it actually hasn't happened yet. It's for January and the first half of February, and there's still a lot to organize. Our opening reception is January 10 from 3-5 pm. I'll PDF you an invitation, not that I expect you to attend--I'm just inviting everyone I know!

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Aimee said...

I had kept checking the blog, but didn't read the comments until today and see that your show will be at UC and is yet to happen. Do keep us informed! Always looking for culture; it's hard to find 'round these parts. ;-)

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Kelly Lamb said...

For your back problems, have you ever tried those rice bags that you heat in the microwave? I've lived on those for months at a time. I've taken them to work. I've fallen asleep on them. ANd in the winter months, they are great to relax with a movie.

Also, do stretches in the hot shower. Ask your chiropractor to show you some "resist" exercises. Those help too!


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