Friday, April 17, 2009

Making fun of a co-worker...

Yes, I'm mean.

But this needs sharing.

A co-worker in the cubicle next to me, who I'll call TD, has no concept of the English language. No, he's not foreign, he's from the boonies. His grammer is atrocious, but I'm used to hearing that. Most of the guys I work with can't conjugate see/saw/have or had seen, which drives me nuts, but this guy gets words wrong. No, he isn't mixing up lie and lay, he's making up different forms of the word.

For example, he didn't get his dog spayed, he got her spaded.

The trash can wasn't crammed full, it was crum full.

He didn't look it up in the encyclopedia, but in the cyclopedia.

Okay, you get the idea. Now the best thing yet happened last week. TD works at Wendy's part-time. This is the conversation we had:

TD: Hey, have you saw that new Wendy's commercial for the new burgers?

Me: Maybe, I don't know. I don't pay much attention to commercials like that. Why?

TD: Well, we've got these burgers called double-stacks and triple-stacks, and we get people in the drive-thru that will say, "Gimme a couple of them double-stackers."

Me: Okay...

TD: Well, I just thought it's funny how those people pronounciated those words wrong.


It's a good thing I was still facing my computer, because by this time he had walked behind me and it took everything I had not to laugh out loud. Of course, it's not really funny, is it? Aw, heck, who am I kidding? It is, too.

I'm mean.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

I understand. I REALLY do! :-)

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Kelly Lamb said...

Yes! It IS funny!


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