Thursday, August 21, 2008

Books for WV children...

Go here to send 50,000 books to WV for kids. I've watched us go from 3rd place to 1st! Let's keep voting (once a day) until September 15 to keep us on top!


Usain Bolt's 100m win...

It took a lot of effort to find the link for this video, but if you've heard all the hoopla and want to see it, watch this:

You-Tube had nothing but Rick Astley videos, "rickrolling" if you've never heard of it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A lap is a lap, no matter where it is...

As I'm already getting into the Halloween spirit, no pun intended, I thought I'd post this from last year. While putting the tons of Halloween decorations in the attic, we would put certain things in the bathroom to keep the kitties away from them, in case they were feeling destructive. I was certain this pirate would be a prime target, becasue he had tattered and ripped clothing, so into the bathroom it went. Imagine the fear I had for my pirate-friend when I realized hubby had left the door open at some point. I looked in, not to find the terrible carnage I expected, but to see this. My sweet Baxter, who can somehow sit on your lap before your butt is even on the couch, had curled up on the pirate's "lap". Of course, Crazy Cat Lady couldn't pass up this excellent photo op. Isn't he precious?

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Monday, August 18, 2008

A few thoughts from the past few days...

1. I hate working in an office.
2. I want to work for myself.
3. I want to make a living as a photographer.
4. I have too much junk in my house.
5. As a result, the cat hair is impossible to control.
6. My husband will never learn to stop leaving shoes in the middle of the living room.
7. Working inside on nice days is probably a sin.
8. I'd be better off without TV, but the withdrawal period would probably kill me.
9. I still love my new car.
10. Shallow people need smacked, and I'm just the chick to do it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rust can be cool...

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mmm...peanut butter...nom, nom, nom...


Monday, August 11, 2008

More pics (and don't be scared...)

This is a picture of the concrete base of my birdbath. Actually, it's the concrete base of nothing, since the basin part broke years ago. I still dig it though; it's great yard art. :-)

Check out this scary pic of a teeny, tiny spider sunning himself on a daisy. He's a scary monster, isn't he? You probably can't see it, but he's wearing a little black mask so we can't identify him later.

Here's a close-up. That's some mask he's wearing, isn't it? Very Zorro-like.


Friday, August 08, 2008

Photo Friday...

I'm getting closer to being a professional photographer--I hope. I almost don't want to say it, or even write it, for fear of jinxing myself. I have a website, which I will post a link to when it's ready for viewing. Speaking of which, I could use some help with the site, if anyone would like to offer some help with Flash or whatever. I'm also working on getting my name and images out there and booking some shows for the Charleston Camera Club, and hopefully myself, so at least I'm taking steps toward my goal. In the meantime, some assorted pics for Photo Friday. Hope you enjoy!

This very sizable bunny was lying in our yard Wednesday evening, all stretched out and relaxed. I just had to get a picture, and unfortunately that's all I got--one picture before he hopped away, despite my assuring him that I wouldn't hurt him. I guess he was shy. Anyway, isn't he a cutie?

Check out this antique cash register; isn't it gorgeous? This is a perfect example of why I love antiques and old buildings...the ornate features you just don't see with new things today. Everything was built with pride, not just in that it would work, but that it was aesthetically pleasing. Art was everywhere and everything!

I'm obsessed with close-ups of everday items, and this is the face of an antique clock. I just think it's cool. :-)


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