Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Update, science, and a loss...

Great news: my dad is on his way home! They ran the test yesterday where they shocked parts of his heart, and they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. They said the veins, arteries, and heart all looked great! So they switched his heart medicine and released him. Thank you so much for all your prayers; my family appreciates them greatly.

In science news, astronomers claim they've discovered a tenth planet. The planet is at least as large as Pluto, and maybe 1 1/2 times as large. Of course, some people don't acknowledge Pluto as a planet, so who knows what will some of this one.

The state of WV is mourning yesterday's loss of Arnout Hyde, Jr., who is one of our most famous photographers. While natives are familiar with his works of our scenic state in Wonderful West Virginia magazine, he was also published in National Geographic and Life. For those of us interested in photography, WV, or nature, he will be especially missed.


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