Wednesday, June 04, 2008

An odd assortment of pics...

Yes, this is a picture of a human skull, and yes, it does cost $800. It's for sale at Robert's Antiques in Lewisburg. I said, "So, Bob, how did you come to have a human skull?" His response? "I used to have a few bodies." Good answer. Someone said I should have asked what happened to them; somehow that didn't occur to me.
If you ever get the chance to go, it's a cool antiques store, having a horse-drawn funeral carriage, complete with child-size coffin; a real electric chair; a guillotine; and old medical equipment, though not as much as he used to have. It's also a huge wine shop, for those interested.
Here's a pic of my orange living room that I promised to post. It's not the best photo, and you'll notice that I hadn't cleaned up (there's a laundry basket in front of the fireplace). But at least you get a feel for the look. I call it a spicy pumpkin color. Hubby says it looked like pumpkin right out of the can. Meaning the pumpkin can and the paint can. Note the rockin' Moravian star light. I love it!

And now, for the test. Anybody want to guess what this is?

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