Wednesday, July 01, 2009

:-O (does that relay my freaking out?)

I'm happy to report that I have a "job" photographing a wedding in August, but it's for a friend and for minimal money--I told him they could pay me whatever they see fit. When he asked me in January I was elated, but the closer we get to the actual task, the more I'm freaking out. I have no clue what I've gotten myself into.

The good thing is that they aren't actually expecting a "professional" job, they were just hoping for someone to take pictures during the ceremony (it's a second marriage for both--very low key). Unfortunately, that will be a real challenge, as the church is dark, dark, dark. The ceiling is dark wood. The floors are dark wood. The pews are dark wood. The walls are dark wood, but only the bottom five feet or so, and above that the walls are white plaster. That actually makes things even harder. The lighting for this is going to be a real problem. I've already gone to the church to take some test shots, and it's a good thing, because the first batch were a nightmare.

Of course, I want to give them a great set of shots, something that would hopefully be good enough to show in a portfolio. At the very least I'm hoping I don't leave them with a crappy set of pics. Oy.


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