Friday, January 06, 2006

New year, new me (I hope)...

I'm not really much for New Year's resolutions, but I am trying to be a different, better person this year. I hope to eat healthier, organize our money better, and write on a regular basis. But most importantly, I want to be a better Christian. Hubby and I are reading through the New Testament this year, using a timetable provided by our church via the American Baptist Churches. I'm praying more so that I may grow closer to God and gain insight into His plans for me. Also, I'm listening to throughout the day to give me peace. If you aren't aware of Air1, it's a contemporary Christian music radio station. Their slogan is "Positive. Alternative. Air1." They're a more energized version of KLove, and are ran by the same people.

By the way, if Christian music is something you enjoy, you should make every attempt to go to Ichthus, a Christian music festival held each year in Wilmore, Kentucky, on a 111-acre farm owned by Asbury College. This annual event draws approximately 20,000 people to the four-day festival, and it's GREAT! Main stage performers for 2006 include Reliant K, Audio Adrenaline, Jeremy Camp, and Casting Crowns, among many others. This year's festival is June 15-18. It's definitely worth the trip!

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