Monday, June 07, 2004

Mourning a President...

While awaiting the Belmont on Saturday, I heard the news. At first, I thought there was simply a special on, but then I knew: President Reagan had died. I was immediately saddened. This man was the first person I identified as President, because my first true memory of the man and the title were, ironically, when the nation feared he would die at the hand of an assassin. This was during the first grade. At the end of his Presidency, I knew only what my strongly-Democratic father thought of him. And honestly, my view of him did not change until last year, when Nancy Reagan published a collection of his love letters to her. The narrations and memories were all over the media, and I found that I now saw him as a man deeply in love with his wife, who, at heart, was a good man with good intentions. That is the man I mourn. Not the President who made his share of mistakes, but the loving husband who adored his wife, and for Nancy and their family, I mourn him, too.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

This is the Crazy Cat Lady's sweet little angel, Sophie. She's spoiled rotten and gets away with everything, making the boys very jealous. Of course, the girls have to stick together to present a united front. Posted by Hello

Just looking for the good life...

The Crazy Cat Dude and I have returned from our annual trek to Greenbriar County. We go every Memorial weekend and stay in our favorite B&B, the James Wylie House. Oh, to have the money to buy it for ourselves! We'd like to have a B&B someday, so we've come up with what we're calling our five-year plan. Basically, our goal is to save as much money as possible for the next five years and hope we have enough. I just want a job where I can be my own boss, and preferably stay at home all day loving on the kitties. A B&B would certainly allow me to do that, so for now, that's the dream.

I'd also like to buy a certain coffee shop in the area, but a certain snobby hippy (isn't that an oxymoron?) owner evidently doesn't feel that I'm the right buyer. I hope her karma gets stuck in her craw and she chokes on it. Wench. Anyway, perhaps some day I'll figure it all out and know what I'm meant to do. In the meantime, I'll just keep dreaming the dream and looking for the good life.

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